
doc20130710114512_001 Conceptual Designs

Initial consultation and presentation of landscape design ideas. Suitable for all scales of projects.

doc20130710115244_001 Detailed Landscape Plans

A development from the Concept Stage, these CAD generated plans provide full detail of hard and soft landscaping detail, plant selection and specifications. Suitable for contractor pricing and construction.

visual assessment 2 Visual Assessment

A photographic survey shown on plan, with key site indicators, design limitations and vegetation extent.

ED-02 Landscape Master Plans

Landscape documentation provided for multi staged projects or overall landscape treatment of larger scale developments. Ideal for maintaining consistency of design over large land parcels.

DSC03062 DA / OPW Landscape Documentation

Provision of detailed landscape documentation suitable for the Council approval process. Coordination with associated consultants and Council to achieve a successful outcome.

DSC03061 Tender / Contract Landscape Documentation

Calling of landscape tenders for all scales of projects. Provide bill of quantities and supplier selection for comprehensive costing of landscape component within a project.

DSC03060 Project Management

Supervision of designed landscape works with contractor consultation. Administering of landscape contract with certification for payment of works. Taking the landscape design through to the final completion of works.

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